Capital for Good
Exploitation by offers of international jobs – to India, Malaysia, and to the Gulf States – is a significant issue in Nepal. More than one thousand people per day leave Nepal to find work internationally in the hopes of securing a better economic future. Both women and men are victims of exploitation in the migration process, but women face increased vulnerability. Women migrant workers (WMW) are recruited for jobs such as domestic help, only to find themselves financially, emotionally, and even physically exploited once they arrive at their destination. Dozens of WMWs return to Nepal from exploitative work situations each day, but very few receive any assistance to recover from their ordeal upon return. Pourakhi Nepal, with financial support of Geneva Global, Capital for Good fund and technical support from World Education supported those returnee women by helping them improve their economic status and by providing for the education of returnee WMW’’s children.
Under the project, World Education and it’s local partner, Pourakhi–the only known organization in Nepal assisting women returning to Nepal from exploitative work settings abroad–provided service to as many as 50 returnees with the development of marketable skills, and as many as forty of these women with additional support for the establishment of business. The project addresses the underlying economic cause of international migration and was designed to increase women’s employment options and significantly reduce her risk of being exploited again in the future.
The project also provided support to as many as 40 Children, allowing these children to continue their education, and in many cases, avoid ending up as institutionalized orphans or being victims of exploitation themselves. The support was given to the child that applied for the education fund in Pourakhi Child Education Fund. The support was only given to the children of migrant workers (male migrant or female migrant workers) with poor economic background and prioritization was done according to the rule of Pourakhi Child Education Fund