Return Assistance to Stranded Nepali Migrants

In 2016, a partnership was established between the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and POURAKHI Nepal to run a project called “Return Assistance to Stranded Nepali Migrants’ funded by the Qatar Development Fund. Within this program POURAKHI Nepal assists in the rescue, rehabilitation, and reintegration of Migrant workers. The major objective of this project was to provide voluntary return and reintegration assistance to Nepali Migrant Workers in Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Jordan, Lebanon and Malaysia.  In this regards POURAKHI Nepal referred 145 returnee migrants during its project period and among them 69 returnee migrants got re-integration support from IOM and running their trade business and other remaining are on processing. With the support of IOM, POURAKHI Nepal provided Entrepreneurship training to 20 returnee migrants to enhance basic entrepreneur skill/knowledge for empowering women to run their micro business and to identify their business capacity, build up their confident and encouragement for independent through identifying economic opportunities.